Sunday, December 25, 2016

200+ HEAVEN IS NOT JUST FOR CATHOLICS: a response by Don L. Bragg

Protestant George Beverly Shea was a Canadian born American gospel singer and hymn composer .....183.....200+


ALL OF THE STATEMENTS BELOW are from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition, revised in accordance with the official Latin text promulgated by Pope St. John  Paul II.

…….The sacramental bond of the unity of Christians

…….1271 Baptism constitutes the foundation of communion among all Christians, including those who are not yet in full communion with the Catholic Church: "For men who believe in Christ and have been properly baptized are put in some, though imperfect, communion with the Catholic Church. Justified by faith in Baptism, [they] are incorporated into Christ; they therefore have a right to be called Christians, and with good reason are accepted as brothers by the children of the Catholic Church."( Unitatis Redintegration 3)81    "Baptism therefore constitutes the sacramental bond of unity existing among all who through it are reborn."( Unitatis Redintegratio 22 § 2)82 –Catehism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition

……."A new creature"

…….1265   Baptism not only purifies from all sins, but also makes the neophyte "a new creature," an adopted son of God, who has become a "partaker of the divine nature,"( 2 Corinthians 5:17;  2 Pete r 1:4; compar Galatians 4:5-7)69   member of Christ and co-heir with him,( compare 1 Corinthians 6:15; 1 Cor. 12:27; Romans 8:17)70   and a temple of the Holy Spirit.  (compare 1 Corinthians 6:19)71  --CCC
…….1266   The Most Holy Trinity gives the baptized sanctifying grace, the grace of justification: 
- enabling them to believe in God, to hope in him, and to love him through the theological virtues; 
- giving them the power to live and act under the prompting of the Holy Spirit through the gifts of the Holy Spirit; 
- allowing them to grow in goodness through the moral virtues. 
Thus the whole organism of the Christian's supernatural life has its roots in Baptism.

…….Toward unity

…….822   Concern for achieving unity "involves the whole Church, faithful and clergy alike."(Unitatis Redintegratio 5)287    But we must realize "that this holy objective - the reconciliation of all Christians in the unity of the one and only Church of Christ - transcends human powers and gifts." That is why we place all our hope "in the prayer of Christ for the Church, in the love of the Father for us, and in the power of the Holy Spirit." (Unitatis Redintegratio 24 § )288 –CCC


…….358   God created everything for man,( compare Gaudium et Spes 12 § 1; 24 § 3; 39 § 1)222   but man in turn was created to serve and love God and to offer all creation back to him:
What is it that is about to be created, that enjoys such honor? It is man that great and wonderful living creature, more precious in the eyes of God than all other creatures! For him the heavens and the earth, the sea and all the rest of creation exist. God attached so much importance to his salvation that he did not spare his own Son for the sake of man. Nor does he ever cease to work, trying every possible means, until he has raised man up to himself and made him sit at his right hand.( St. John Chrysostom, In Gen. Sermo 2,1: PG 54,587D-588A)223 --CCC


…….1281   Those who die for the faith, those who are catechumens, and all those who, without knowing of the Church but acting under the inspiration of grace, seek God sincerely and strive to fulfill his will, can be saved even if they have not been baptized (cf. LG 16). –CCC

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