Friday, July 19, 2019

427. Private property

YOUCAT Catechism + Catechism of the Catholic Church Lesson 427
Ave Maria series
Why is there no absolute right to private property?
There is no absolute right but only a relative right to private property because God created the earth and its goods for all mankind.  [2402-2406, 2452]

Grow trees, grow!  That is me backing my tractor between two trees. 

Before parts of created reality can “belong” to individuals, because they have been obtained legally, inherited, or received as gifts, these owners must know that there is no property without social obligation.  At the same time, the Church contradicts those who conclude from the social obligation associated with property that there should be no private property and that everything should belong to everybody, or to the State.  The private owner who manages, tends, and increases a plot of land in keeping with the Creator’s plan and divides the proceeds in such a way that each person gets what is his due is by all means acting according to the divine commission for creation.
“The right to private property is not absolute and unconditional.”  Pope Paul VI, Populorum Progressio
“When there is no property, there is no joy in giving, either; then no one can have the pleasure of helping his friends, the traveler, or the afflicted in their need.” Aristotle (382-322 b.c.)
People  Don L Bragg 

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